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travel details
oz.jpg (9228 bytes)
destination : Australasia
arrival : In Tahiti, 8th June 2000.
From Chile.
departure : From Darwin, 31st July 2000.
To Bali.

itinerary :
Chilling - Dicky birthday 13th June - visiting friends - snowboarding - watching England win Euro 2000 - partying hard - eating curry (even though Aussie curry sucks) - running away from big dogs - Kakadu national park.


travel reports
(as dispatched by the travellers themselves)
reportdickysm.jpg (4758 bytes) [yet to come...]


beano's interesting country facts
kiwism.jpg (1210 bytes)New Zealand: The Kiwi bird is so named because of its "kee-wee, kee-wee" cry. This is about as interesting as this bird gets.
Tahiti: France (boo!) conducted a series of underground nuclear tests in the South Pacific from September 1995 to January 1996. The tests were met with violent protests and rioting occurred in Tahiti.
darwinsm.jpg (1423 bytes)Australia: Darwin. The full-mouthful title of Charles Darwin's 'Origin of Species' is, 'On the Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life'. In his prime Mr Darwin sported a top beard.
Tahiti: Scotland have never played Tahiti in the World Cup. No doubt they would lose though.



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