8 Pubs 1997

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Date - 12th July 1997

Theme - "Quadrophenia double bill"
This film and the real life Mod events in Brighton set the theme. The invites set certain pubbers in the famous film poster as Sting, Toyah etc.

A lower turnout than usual but an all round nice day out.
There were lost girlfriends, a moustache nutter, some hotel nudity and then a bonus visit to the catfish club.

The Pictures
Hopefully to come later...

The Route
After playing it by ear last year, this year we had a proper route and timetable. Because beach bars were now appearing in the seafront area of Brighton we took special interest in these.

1. Horatio's 12.00-14:00 Good turn out at first pub.
2. Beachcombers 14:10-15:15 Now a club venue also. Pool table.
3. Fortune of War 15:20-16:45 Classic pub. Plastic pints on the beach.
4. Gemini Beach Bar 16:50-18:05 Table service only, but not bad all the same.
5. The Windmill 18:20-19:40 Drunken darts competition (Rahul fluke).
6. Font & Firkin 19:55-21:00 Great pub, fairly empty today though.
7. Druid's Head 21:05-22:10 Scrum in tiny pub.
8. King and Queen 22:20-Close Tony vs 'moustachio nutter'.
Also a very quiet pub today.
Afters Gut busters, then swimming (doesn't sound wise).
'No room' Chuck in pants very amusing.
Catfish club.

Those Attending
Aarran, Tony, Chuck, Jo, Chris, Wan Yue, Andy (and others, this list is not complete...).

The main group managed to get into the New Madera on the seafront where the gloomy staff were offset by the attached Catfish club.

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